We said goodbye to Adana Turkey on June 1st and then goodbye to Turkey all together on the 4th of June. We went out to eat with the Pharmacy crew the night before we left Adana and had a great time. It was good food and we will miss the people at the Pharmacy. We then went to Istanbul and spent a few days. We have never been and couldn't leave Turkey without going. It was pretty amazing. We stayed at a nice place right by all of the sights and walked everywhere. We went to Topkapi Palace, Hagia Sophia, Blue Mosque, Grand Bazaar, and the Spice Bazaar. All of the places were very unique and very interesting to see. Maria did great and did a lot of walking. She was a little sad to leave Adana and Turkey in general. We have all loved living in Turkey and being able to do the things that we have done. We will miss you Turkey, and hope that we can return sometime.
Thuduras, Mark, Tameka, Lale, CJ, Timeyah, Maria, Myself and Carly.

Maria in front of one of the buildings at the Topkapi Palace. It was a huge place and had some very interesting artifacts. A few of my favorites Moses staff, Muhammad's beard clippings, and a 52 carat diamond.
CJ and Maria in front of one of the many shops at the Spice Bazar. It smelled wonderful.
One of the many rows of shops in the Grand Bazaar

Inside the very impressive Hagia Sofia- Maria showing just one of mer many poses she has developed
The Anderson girls in front of the Hagia Sofia- Carly is hiding under the baby carrier
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