We have made it another week and a half here in Germany. We were planning on doing a few fun things such as go to EuroDisney and visit our friends that live about 3 hours from here and I wimped out. I just knew that I was going to go into labor and not be near a hospital, but here we are sitting around our hotel room with no baby and getting a little bored. St Patrick's day came and we didn't have much green for Maria, so we did the best we could with what we had and made a beautiful headband. She was happy with it, and wore it all day. We also had a great surprise, CJ came a week early to be with us. It's so good to have him here for so many reasons. Maria had to show him YabbaDoo and told me to not feel bad, but that it was lots more fun with dad. I didn't feel bad at all, and had to agree with her. We have spent a lot of time in the BX here. It is the biggest BX in the world and one of Maria's favorite things to do there is play on the exercise equipment. It tires her out so I'm happy with it. We also got some great news early Tuesday morning. We got a call from a lady in Turkey informing CJ that he is officially a Major select. What does this mean? He will pin on Major in four or five months. He is saying that it's not a big deal and that everyone in his career field makes major, but I'm still proud of him and I know that he deserves it. To celebrate we found a Japanese Grill and went out for sushi. Maria loves sushi and is starting to get the hang of chop sticks. She is a funny girl, won't eat a hamburger and fries, but give her a big plate of sushi and Japanese stir fry and she's a happy girl. That is about it for our week here. We are looking forward to the weeks to come. Maybe next week I'll be blogging about a new little girl.

Looks like you were right about staying home this weekend. We are so excited for you guys to have that baby here safe and sound. Can't wait to see her in person!