Carly and I are still in Germany. CJ took Maria back to Turkey with him yesterday, and it looks like Carly and I will be going home on Friday. I can not wait. I am so ready to be home. We have had a great week and a half though. My parents came to Germany to see the new baby and we just had to show them a good time. We ate some real German food and now know why there are no German eating establishments anywhere else in the world. We went to Heidelberg, Germany and Paris, France and then they went on a Rhine River Cruise. Oh, and there was a lot of time spent holding Carly and playing with Maria. We had a great time and were so glad that they came. We also had some friends that lived in Turkey, but are now stationed in Germany, come and visit us. I was very excited to show off my beautiful baby to everyone. We also got some note worthy news while my parents were here. We are no longer moving to Wyoming. CJ's orders got changed last minute and I would like to report that we are going to Hawaii (I still was holding out hope) but we are not. We are going to - wait for it - Hill Air Force Base located in Ogden, Utah. We are trying to be excited, but are a little disappointed. We do not wish to make anyone feel bad by our disappointment, we had just hoped for another adventure and have already had the Utah adventure. We will be leaving Turkey the middle of June and arrive in Utah the end of June.
Cheers and welcome to Germany Grandma and Grandpa.

Maria and I on the bridge at Heidelberg, Germany.

My parents went to look at the Paris sites and we didn't think that Maria and a newborn would be much fun to drag around for the day. Instead we took the girls to the happiest place on earth DISNEYLAND. CJ and I decided they need to change the slogan to the happiest place on earth for children. Maria had a great time and Carly did great.
One final photo with Grandma and Grandpa. Thanks for coming and visiting us.

Maria saying goodbye to Caleb.
Having dinner with friends from Turkey the Woodbury family. Michael "Woody" worked with CJ in Turkey and was there without his family. It was great to finally meet his wife and kids.